Pegasus City Brewery’s Dutchover
#saturdaybeer ?
Author: Chris G Page 21 of 77
Metric @ ACL Festival, Zilker Park
October 12, another anniversary for the weirdest Unix command-line tips site you’ve never seen. a happy 6th to ye, Unicks Bestiary
“a corner of cognitive real estate occupied by this ongoing transaction” – this Cal Newport post, though about email, also explains why some Slack users are so frustrating to me. e.g., the ol’ ask-a-question-in-a-channel-and-then-disappear-for-an-hour trick
beautiful story of a successful author investing in his local community: Diary of a small town sensation: how the Wimpy Kid author built his dream bookshop
the masterminds of Thievery Corporation returned to Jamaican influences (and artists) on 2017’s The Temple of I & I, and it’s so good. recommended track: Letter to the Editor, featuring Racquel Jones (good video, too) ?
Upland Brewing’s Bourbon Barrel Teddy Bear Kisses
#saturdaybeer #cheaphoteldrinkware ?
McSweeney’s: Dear Leaders of the World: Get Your Shit Together
It’s a hot mess & your policies are only making it hotter, so if you could stop burning the house down long enough for us to graduate into a world that isn’t a complete hellhole, that would be great.
once again this week my New Tunes Tuesday is a concert-related recommendation. I’d never heard The Paranoyds before they opened for Bleached recently, but I like their just-released debut Carnage Bargain a lot. standout tracks: the title cut and Girlfriend Degree ?
Saint Arnold Brewing’s Oktoberfest
#saturdaybeer ?
just finished my first full book on the clever Serial Reader app (The Picture of Dorian Gray). there are lots of older & public-domain titles on my list, anyway, & I found the 10 to 20-minute chunks of reading each day fun & easy to stay on top of. recommended! ?
happened to have this album on for the 1st time in a while the other day, & as great song followed great song, I actually thought: this album is a masterpiece. The Guardian thinks so, too: Why the best album of the 21st century is Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black ?
another concert-related New Tunes Tuesday: the latest from Bleached, who I saw last night: Don’t You Think You’ve Had Enough? I normally deduct a point for whistling, but “Hard to Kill” is such a good song, I’ll let it slide this time ?
Bleached @ Barracuda ?
North Coast Brewing’s Bourbon Barrel Aged Old Rasputin XXI
#saturdaybeer ?
Save the World Brewing’s Gladius Dubbel
#saturdaybeer ?
Summer Cannibals @ Mohawk ?
hey it’s (New Tunes) Tuesday again already. since I’m seeing them live tomorrow night, how about the newest from Summer Cannibals, Can’t Tell Me No. for a standout track, let’s say the first one, False Anthem ?
Denton County Brewing’s Dopplebock
#saturdaybeer ?
for the inaugural New Tunes Tuesday ? – Siouxsie & The Banshees’ Peepshow. I usually recommend just one or two tracks, but this classic album has a great, consistent creepy theme throughout.
Some years ago I thought I’d start posting links to some favorite music in my music library. I called this #musicMonday, and some of it was on this site, some on Twitter, it went back and forth. I had fun doing it, but rarely got much “engagement” (pardon my language) on Twitter, and so felt like it was a failure or waste of time.
In my ongoing social network rehabilitation, I’m thinking just the first part of that previous sentence (“I had fun doing it”) is justification enough. And so I think I’ll try it again, see how it goes. In honor of the weekly unveiling of newly released music on WOXY (RIP), the coolest radio station in Cincinnati back when we lived there, I thought I’d rename it and shift it a day.
Despite the “new” in New Tunes Tuesday ?, my criteria is the same as before:
Not “new” as in recently released, necessarily, but more like “new to you”. Or possibly not either of those, maybe just a pointer to some good music that you’d forgotten about.
yet another exhibit in the case for avoiding Amazon like the mess it is
Buffalo Bayou Brewing’s Joyful Almond
#saturdaybeer ?
McSweeney’s: We Need a Wizard Who Can Appeal to the Moderate Orc Voter
Of course, Saruman’s record isn’t perfect. He said at one time that Rings of Power were good for Elves. We know that’s an outdated attitude. But that was more than a thousand years ago.
From Nick Cave’s fan-mail site, responding to a rude, “anonymous” question:
So, in the interests of free speech, George, I have given you a platform. However, and I am speculating here, I think that probably ninety-nine percent of the people who read your question will think that you are being, well, a bit of an asshole. I could be wrong. It could be more. Now, you may say “So what? No one knows who I am. How can this possibly hurt me?” You may say that. But you would be wrong. I do not believe that your anonymity protects you, any more than I believe the anonymity of the hate trolls on social media protects them. I feel that there are psychic pathways that exist between us all, and that the negativity we create eventually finds its way back to us.
The opportunity to act in a better way is one that is continuously afforded to us – to try to make the next thing we do the best thing, rather than the worst thing, the destructive thing. In this instance, George, it’s not too late for you. If you close your eyes and apologise to my fans, just maybe that negative attention will begin to dissipate. I think my fans are smart enough and sufficiently forgiving to understand that your words extend only to the margins of your own individual evolution.
thinking about subscribing to The Athletic, any existing readers out there have a referral code they’d like to share? ⚽️
this Russel Taine Jr. set was an American dream @ Hole in the Wall ?
chilling, from The Texas Observer
In the U.S., the Immigration Act of 1924 — which established the Border Patrol — was another piece of legislation based on the principles of racial purity and white supremacy. Hitler praised this law enthusiastically…
Real Ale Brewing’s 19th Anniversary Baltic Porter
#fridaybeer ?
We went to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston this weekend, and it was great. I felt like we barely scratched the surface of the truly beautiful artworks on display there.
Yet I also often saw people sitting on benches in the galleries, staring at their phones. Not that it should be a phone-free place, at all. I took pictures of some pieces for myself, as well as sharing them via text with others. Maybe that made me less present, but I feel like that was okay, that it broadened the experience without pulling me all the way out of it.
But some of the folks I saw were doing the time-killing thing, staring blankly at their screens, thumbing idly through some feed or other. Which I won’t pretend that I don’t do sometimes, let alone claim it’s some horrible thing that nobody should ever do.
But maybe when you’re in the middle of one of the largest museums in the United States, with a permanent collection spanning more than 6,000 years of history, with some 64,000 works from six continents [citation provided], just maybe those Insta stories or tweets or even “breaking” news can wait for a little while. Maybe (certainly) I’m writing this to remind myself of this, for the next time, and the time after that, and not just when I’m in a world-class museum.
Leave your phone put away, and look around.

The Corn Poppy, by Kees van Dongen