Author: Chris G Page 22 of 77

Saint Arnold Brewing’s Cascara Coffee Stout
#saturdaybeer ?

Saint Arnold Brewing’s Comeback Wit (@ St Arnold’s beer garden)

Brooklyn Brewery’s Brooklyn Local 1
#saturdaybeer ?

wow. I knew it was bad but didn’t know it was that inarguably bad

This is literally textbook racism. The [EEOC] offers “Go back to where you came from” as its example of potentially unlawful harassment on the basis of national origin.


Los Campesinos! @ Mohawk Austin ?

guess this t-shirt I’ve been wearing out this last month needs replacing: NOT ENOUGH STARS ON THIS ONE, BABY! ??⚽️? (cf. this 2015 tweet ?)

Urban Family Brewing’s Death to Cereal

agree 100%, it’s a slap in the women’s faces to have not one but two men’s confederation tournament finals the very same day as a World Cup final. the way Rapinoe says “which is like, the problem in this video clip could not capture the sentiment more perfectly

Goose Island Bourbon County Stout (2018)
Happy Independence Day ?? ?

what a show
(Charly Bliss @ Stubb’s)

Straffe Hendrik Bruges Tripel Ale

Justice Elena Kagan on today’s tragic ruling: Is this how American democracy is supposed to work?

Indeed, the majority concedes (really, how could it not?) that gerrymandering is “incompatible with democratic principles.”

@ Pictograph Cave State Park, MT

Thirsty Street Brewing’s Good Times Belgian Blonde
#sundaybeer #worldcupbeer #airbnbdrinkware

Saint Arnold’s 25th Anniversary Grand Cru
? ⚽️

An Aftermath Hope from USA 13, Thailand 0

Reading this FiveThirtyEight article on the advancement (or lack thereof) of the women’s game (written prior to last night’s US-Thailand match), this caught my eye:

For Thailand, South Africa or Argentina, a win in the group stage — or even a goal or two — can help raise the profile of women’s soccer back home.

People rightly celebrated Argentina getting their first-ever World Cup point from their 0-0 draw with Japan. Hopefully that does raise the profile of the Argentine side back home.

But it also occurs to me that Thailand getting absolutely, completely, record-breakingly demolished by the US could serve to raise their profile, too, if in a different way. I don’t mean to claim the US purposefully hammered them for this reason; it’s certainly a silver-lining point of view. But just imagine what the heads of the Thai football association must be saying to each other today. Or even the heads of FIFA itself, as they prop up their feet on stacks of money and sip cocktails garnished with hundred-euro notes.

Maybe it’s something like: Ouch. What can we do to help keep that from happening again?

laughing out loud at this new podcast: Two Girls World Cup, “an alternative take on the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup” indeed ? (the Total Soccer Show is another good one, as always, with their obsessively complete coverage) ⚽️

what an opener for the USA. I did want them to dominate Thailand, and boy did that wish come true. ? when the names of the goal scorers scrolled by at the end of the game, it looked like movie credits ??⚽️

The Bruery’s Or Xata
#WorldCupBeer #USA ⚽️

watched Phantom Menace tonight, planning to marathon them all before ep 9 comes out. and it is so bad. like, wow bad. bad writing, bad acting, bad… everything, actually. even having read this sympathetic account: nope. it is bad & I regret wasting 2 hours, 16 minutes on it

Full Sail Imperial Stout (2015)


wow. long but devastating: Uber’s Path of Destruction

Despite massive funding from… institutional investors, Uber depicted itself as the innocent victim—in­trepid programmers facing overwhelming disadvantages in their battle with the “evil taxi cartel” & corrupt regulators

coffee made, first full day of international soccer at the World Cup ahead, what more could I want? ⚽️ first up: GER ?? v CHN ??

loved the opening sentence of this As a black teenager, I loved Morrissey. But heaven knows I’m miserable now:

Dear Morrissey, I’m writing this to say, in a gentle way, thank you but no.

also liked this pragmatic assessment: “I’ve no time for him but still a fan of the Smiths.”

equal parts psyched to have gotten a ticket for Sleater-Kinney in November, and to have done so by guessing the “fan pre-sale” code (it’s the name of the new single, all caps, all one word. I think it’s always that, ha ha)


The Perfect Impeachment Plan

this is it, Tribe’s got it:

The point would not be to take old-school House impeachment leading to possible Senate removal off the table at the outset. Instead, the idea would be to build into the very design of this particular inquiry an offramp that would make bypassing the Senate an option while also nourishing the hope that a public fully educated about what this president did would make even a Senate beholden to this president and manifestly lacking in political courage willing to bite the bullet and remove him.

Epic Brewing’s Brainless on Peaches

love seeing The Guardian provide thorough coverage of this year’s Women’s World Cup. their “Experts’ Network” is a clever way to publish good info while boosting smaller outlets, journalists, & bloggers, like the good folks at The Equalizer. ⚽️

Adelbert’s Flyin’ Monks

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