armadillos gonna armadill (taken from the back deck of our house, here in the middle of The Wild Kingdom)
I kind of hate these plants, they look like a a little kid drew them
when you invest in a well-designed wordmark, you really want to show it off
#roadpic of #clouds, as usual
got the missus a stripper for mothers day
1 outta 4 ain’t bad
cool little bus with good sci-fi & fantasy selection. (roof was a bit low for me… ?)
great opening set ??
hmm, not sure what’s wrong with this iPhone, darn thing won’t even turn on ?
future ?
great show last night, this was right before a bank safe fell on the bass player, apparently
this is also what @savagesband sounded like ?
savagesband, killing it
[insert bee/be joke here]
evening #nofilter
sprang #nofilter
a #roadpic #selfie
now we’re cookin’ with gas!
backyard wildlife
new mural (part 2)
new mural in the neighborhood (part 1)
the #usual
Denton County Courthouse
#roadpic of #clouds with #nofilter
sometimes when you preorder from an indie band like Wussy, the CD comes 4 days before the release date ???