Author: Chris G Page 10 of 77

Elif Batuman, in Either/Or:

“When to the sessions of sweet silent thought / I summon up remembrance of things past”: I didn’t like when people used “sweet” about non-sensory experiences. Why were we in my mouth all of a sudden?

Lazy Beach Brewing’s Molinillo
“Mexican Hot Chocolate Milk Stout” -> yes… “Ancho chilis, cayenne” -> mmm, a bit much
⭐️ __ __

Mustang Island, TX

sunset, Mustang Island, TX

Saturday’s late-night music video: Lorde, Supercut 🎵

in my head I do everything right

Saturday’s beer: (512) Brewing’s (512) Tripel
love a good tripel, and this is a good tripel 🍺

finished reading The Grieving Brain by Mary-Frances O’Connor 📚 it was interesting to read a book backed by science that supports & explains much of what we’ve learned elsewhere about grief. thinking of grieving as a special kind of learning is a key point

Saturday #2’s beer: Dogfish Head Brewery’s Utopias Barrel-Aged World Wide Stout
this is the stuff 🍺

“Saturday”’s beer: (512) Brewing’s Gin Barrel Wit 🍺

Jenny Lewis, The Next Messiah (live) 🎵

if we ever have to justify to aliens that they shouldn’t wipe out Earth, I say we just show them Jenny Lewis. case closed

Saturday’s beer: New Holland Brewing’s Dragon’s Milk White 🍺

really enjoyed the writing in Intimacies by Katie Kitamura. 📚 narrated by a war-crimes trial interpreter, the muted style of this story is a perfect match to her quietly simmering interior life

Bans Off Our Bodies protest at the Texas Capitol

two weeks counts as a streak, right?
at Genuine Joe (while it’s here)

Austin FC v LA Galaxy – hot day for a 6:30 kickoff, but nicer once the sun was below the stands

Bikini Kill at The Far Out

for years, I spent most every Thursday morning before work writing at a coffee shop. then, for years I couldn’t do that. back again today

Saturday’s beer: Sierra Nevada Brewing’s Barrel-Aged Narwhal
I don’t use this word often, but this beer is delish 🍺

finished Rebecca Solnit’s Orwell’s Roses 📚 she’s such a masterful writer, this book was a joy to read. the structure, even the topic(s), is rambling, or organic, you might say. it made me want to read more Orwell as well as plant more in the garden

George Orwell, via Rebecca Solnit’s Orwell’s Roses :

So long as I remain alive and well I shall continue to feel strongly about prose style, to love the surface of the earth, and to take a pleasure in solid objects and scraps of useless information. It is no use trying to suppress that side of myself. The job is to reconcile my ingrained likes and dislikes with the essentially public, non-individual activities that this age forces on all of us.

Belching Beaver Brewery’s Sling Yer Hook (Barrel Aged) 🍺
this much sweetness doesn’t always work for me but tonight: yes

Brouwerij Van Steenberge’s Gulden Draak Calvados Barrel Aged
wouldn’t you know it: I finish my Van Steenberge sampler six-pack & then this beauty shows up on my next shopping trip. yes please 🍺

finished Oliver Burkeman’s Four Thousand Weeks and I feel the zealousness of a convert. I read the ebook via the library (hail Libby), and ordered a copy to own this afternoon 📚

I always thought “a spidery hand” referred to hand writing, but in the (realistic, not sci-fi or horror) novel I just read someone reached out and picked something up “with his spidery hand” 😂 🕷

Saturday’s beer: Saint Arnold Brewing’s Spring Bock
it’s the most wonderful time
of the beer 🍺

finished Alison Bechdel’s The Secret to Superhuman Strength – absolutely fantastic. such heart, such a tough gaze of self-evaluation paired with wry humor & compassion. Plus: history, philosophy, & the wonderful artwork. my first book by her, but it won’t be my last 📚

Saturday’s beer: Brouwerij Van Steenberge’s Gulden Draak Imperial Stout
a definite Belgian version; not as dark or thick as most stouts. but yum 🍺

saw Marina at ACL Live last night, a concert Mary surely would have gone to. She’s an artist that Mary loved as a kid & still liked as an adult (& one I like, too). it wasn’t as sad as I thought it might be; I wish Mary could’ve been there too, but it was a good show

the weekly support group provided by The Christi Center has helped us a lot, and everything they do is free of charge. if you’re able to give them a few bucks via the Amplify Austin fundraiser in the next 24 hours, your contribution will be matched

too much, too much

Marina, Happy Loner

(previous post from my phone, linking to an article from my feed reader, both online technologies I’ve told myself I won’t use on Sundays. so, yeah. room for improvement)

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