Goose Island Brewing’s Bourbon County Stout (2016)
#saturdaybeer ?
this bottle, given by chance to me by her uncle last year, has been waiting to be opened since our daughter started college. today she’s a graduate, and we couldn’t be more proud
Author: Chris G Page 19 of 77
McSweeney’s: Sure, the Velociraptors Are Still On the Loose, But That’s No Reason Not to Reopen Jurassic Park
And keeping things just below widespread public outrage levels is our gold standard for all of the decisions we make here at Jurassic Park.
New Tunes Tuesday: Signal by Automatic. a debut with as solid of post-punk jams as I’ve heard in a while. standout track: I Love You, Fine ?
New Tunes Tuesday: Space Cadet by beabadoobee. music as fun & cool as the artist’s name. standout track: Sun More Often ?
a really niche thing but I couldn’t figure it out for ages, until today! Smart Playlist rules are interpreted differently in the Mac and iOS Music apps. “genre is not classical”, for example, includes tracks with no genre specified on MacOS, but omits them on iOS!
Celis Brewery’s Violet Crown Quad
#saturdaybeer ?
(They were out of labels so the bottles were signed by the owner, Christine Celis.)
How about this pandemic, huh? I’m grateful to be on the really lucky end of the spectrum so far: healthy, working remotely at my relatively secure job, an introverted homebody with plenty of company in the form of a family that includes zero school-aged kids. That acknowledged, the stress of this crazy time is not nothing. My mental capacity for spending time on an amateur work of speculative fiction has, you know, seen better days.
But I’m back, or at least I’m going to try to be. After the initial mondo sprint of NaNoWriMo, I’ve never really put huge chunks of time into this, but I’ve been pretty regular. The slow and steady tortoise, carving out a couple of mornings or evenings each week to sit down at the laptop and open up Ulysses and chip away at this thing. Those have fallen off, but I’m going to try to get back to them. In fact, I’m going to try to spend at least a little time on writing every day (I know, resolutions, bleh, but I’m aiming for a “most days, that’s fine” attitude more than a I’LL DIE BEFORE I BREAK THAT CHAIN one).
The Writers’ League hasn’t officially cancelled or online-ified June’s Agents & Editors Conference, though I can’t imagine it will go ahead as planned. So that’s a big milestone for my year gone. I submitted a synopsis and first however-many pages to their manuscript contest; I hope to still get feedback from that, regardless.
I’ve given the full manuscript to a small number of people, and haven’t had any of them finish it yet, which I’m trying to be cool about. It is a very small sample size, and I knew all along that reading this whole unpolished, unprofessional rough draft was a big favor to ask. I have gotten feedback that it has a slow start, and I’ve been worried for a while that there’s more going on than there needs to be. So I’m thinking that before continuing with lower-level edits – I want to bring the narrative voice closer to the protagonist’s point of view – that I should read it over from a higher level. Try to judge the pacing of the story, character introduction, world-building, etc., and not get bogged down in touching up the words and sentences. To that end, I just exported a PDF with a really small font and margins, and sent it to the on-demand printers at Office Depot. Tomorrow I’ll pick up 70 double-sided pages crammed with text, and start it all over again.
Adelbert’s Brewery’s Tripel Treat
#saturdaybeer ?
Austin Beerworks’ Blonde Joke Golden Stout
#saturdaybeer ?
4th Tap Brewing’s Bat Country Stout w/Wild Gift Cold Brew
⭐️__ __
(shown: pandemic-era crowler without the real label; this was a little more smoky/porter than I’d like)
#wednesdaybeer ?
Austin Beerworks‘ Gold Fist
#saturdaybeer ?
local breweries are still open for beer-to-go, so I decided to do my part by supporting five of them (Adelbert’s, Austin Beerworks, Celis, 4th Tap, & Circle). Prost! ?
Deschutes Brewing’s The Abyss (2019)
⭐️__ __
#saturdaybeer ?
Rogue Ales’ Dead ‘N’ Dead
#fridaybeer ?
After waiting in line like shopping at HEB is an amusement park ride, I just couldn’t resist this name ?♂️?
Bandcamp Supporting Artists Affected by Pandemic – in which you’re encouraged to buy some great new music for yourself, and directly support musicians who can’t tour for a while ?
As I’ve written here before, I love Bandcamp. Artists keep 80-85% of their sales on the platform, making Bandcamp the only digital music store that I feel as good about patronizing as I do about buying a band’s CD at their show.
And today, Friday, March 20, as the world is grinding to a pandemic halt and all concerts are off, they’re helping out those artists by letting them keep 100% of their sales today. I personally will be stocking the hell up.
Now, a lot of of the biggest names in music are on major label deals that aren’t sold by Bandcamp. But there are also a lot of really excellent bands, some of my favorites of all time. A non-comprehensive selection, in no particular order:
- Sleigh Bells
- Wussy
- Moving Panoramas
- Flock of Dimes
- The Decemberists
- boygenius
- She Keeps Bees
- Los Campesinos
- Hop Along
- Courtney Barnett
- Heartless Bastards
- The Besnard Lakes
- Juana Molina
- S / Jenn Champion (new old release!)
- Summer Cannibals
- Diet Cig (preorder!)
- Gina Chavez
- Automatic
- Screaming Females
- Chumped
- Bleached
- Torres
- Waxahatchee (preorder!)
- case/lang/veirs
- Nervous Dater
- Speedy Ortiz
- Amanda Palmer
- Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
- Charly Bliss
- Lucy Dacus
these free nightly opera streams from the Met are really good. bonus points for their app on Apple, Amazon, and Roku (no account or login needed, just select “free preview” to watch the day’s freebie in its entirety) ?
awakened before the alarm clock by our smoke detectors blaring for a few seconds. better at 6:00 than at 3:00 or 4:00, but being jolted from deep sleep like that is never how I want to start the day. it stopped as suddenly as it started. dust? a tiny spider, now deaf?
Martin House Brewing’s The Morrigan
#saturdaybeer ?
Lakewood Brewing’s Bourbon Barrel Temptress
#saturdaybeer ?
unsurprisingly blistering reaction to yesterday’s impeachment outcome from press around the world:
Trump, his followers and the majority of the Republicans are, together and wilfully, breaking down the foundations of democracy.
Starting to Get Feedback – in which I let anyone else in the world read a word of what I’ve been writing for four years, and live to tell the tale (pun very much intended)
I haven’t checked in here for a couple of weeks, but my efforts toward publication continue. I finished that pass of copyediting I mentioned before, and with a drink or three to bolster my courage, I posted the first few chapters of it online, along with an invitation to read the whole thing. It was only to my small circle of online pals and acquaintances, so response wasn’t staggering, but it was a step, and I took it.
I also attended a second meeting of the critique group, including bringing printouts of my first chapter to be read. That was another big step, exciting and somewhat mortifying, but good. I got some worthwhile feedback from it, and see some ways to improve the story. I think that having other writers focus on a single short chapter (the group works in roughly 2,000-word chunks, which happens to match my chapter sizes pretty well) will give me a different kind of feedback than I hope to get from more casual reads of the whole thing.
I have another meetup with that group again tomorrow, and have my second chapter printed out and ready to go. This time it includes a short statement with introductory context, and I’ve stapled the pages; I’m learning how this works. However, my whole novel is 83 chapters, and this group meets about every other week, so I don’t think I’ll spend the three-plus years it would take to run the entire thing past them.
Which is partly why I’ve also gotten in touch with a possible critique partner. We haven’t quite managed to arrange an introductory meeting yet, and even that is just to see how we get on and if we might be able to help each other out. But I found his contact info in a listing in the Writers’ League’s “classifieds” (which is a Google Sheets doc; not fancy, but workable), and his interests and genre sounded like a fit, so we’ll see.
Last but not least is something I feel pretty self-conscious about. But it’s a small step that I took partly for the symbolism of it, and if I’m documenting my journey here then I guess this is part of it. After last month’s Third Thursday panel talk, I met a guy who had attended the Agents & Editors Conference last year. He said he wished he’d had business cards to hand out to the, well, agents and editors he met there. So I looked into it, found that for $15, Vistaprint would sell me a box of 100 (probably about 98 more than I’ll ever give out), and decided, what the hell. I thought I was official before, when I used my Writers’ League discount at BookPeople, but forget that. Now I have little cards that say it: Chris Grayson, Author.
Brouwerij Van Steenberge’s Gulden Draak Imperial Stout (2018) ?
if you’re unhappy about the damage Senate Republicans are doing to our democracy, please consider doing something besides tweeting or blogging about it. sign up, pitch in $10, $25, or whatever you can. these nine deserve to pay the price in November.
Julia Ioffe says what I’ve wondered:
At any point during this process, Bolton could have just come forward and said what he knew. In front of the House, on TV, in an Op-Ed, anywhere. Instead, he’s doing what so many retiring Republicans do: the barest, coyest minimum to preserve a patina of credibility but without alienating the vast system of GOP money they rely on in retirement.
also I finished my most recent editing pass of my novel (and have had a few drinks) so I’ve put an invitation to read an early draft on my site, ok bye ?
Boulevard Brewing’s Tasting Room: Whiskey & Cabernet Cask Imperial Stout
#saturdaybeer ?
been writing on another blog, ⚽️ news in & around Austin. it was kinda micro.blogged for a while, but not really working that way, so I think I’ll post them here, too:
Austin Bold schedule, Austin FC ticket speculation, and USWNT coming to Texas – it’s 2020, and it’s Stoppage Time
First Third Thursday in the Writers’ League – in which I leave the safe confines of home, daring to venture out there and meet other real, live writer people
I came down with some kind of virus last weekend, and am just now feeling more or less back to normal. I had some time yesterday morning to continue my “last pass” of editing on my manuscript, but had barely started when I got paged by system alerts from work. All of which to say, I haven’t made a lot of progress in the last week.
But I did get out last night, and made the dark and rainy drive downtown to BookPeople. It was the first Writers’ League of Texas “Third Thursday” panel discussion since I joined that group last month. The subject was “Writing Great Villains”, the third-floor room was standing-room only, and I’m glad I went. They usually record these, and make podcast episodes out of them, a fact that nearly made me skip attending in person. But for whatever reason last night, they didn’t have the sound equipment, so if I hadn’t gone, I’d have missed not only the discussion, but also meeting the fine folks I met. I’m already looking forward to going next month.
The discussion of villains was interesting. My novel’s villain isn’t a richly drawn, complex one, at least not yet, even though his name is my working title for the book. Hmm. Yet I’m not really sure whether he should be more complex. I see him as a figure representing a kind of terribleness that may not deserve more depth. And this is more genre fiction than literary, anyway. Doesn’t that mean I can get away with a one-dimensional bad guy? Not completely sure about this, but the topic and discussion last night has me thinking about it.
That was my second foray out into my local writers’ world since the new year began: I also attended a critique-group meetup last week. I had no idea what I was doing, but it was a positive experience. It was small, mostly folks who have known each other for a long time, very welcoming to the couple of us who were new. I didn’t take any of my writing yet; I only read and gave poor (I’m sure) feedback. I plan to keep attending that, though I have doubts that it will be the best match for me in the long term. I also plan to get in touch directly with a couple other aspiring writers I’ve met, to see about trying some critique work with them. Man, I really need to get this pass of edits done. I feel increasingly behind and blocked by that.
This is turning out to be pretty fun and exciting, so far! I even bought a book last night (Ben Winters’ Golden State, a 2020 Tournament of Books contender) and used my new Writers’ League discount. If that’s not official, what is?