rest in peace, Christopher Tolkien. I’m sure I’ve read more of J.R.R.’s writing, thanks to Christopher’s beyond-painstaking editing & publishing, than the original trilogy (plus) combined. ?
Author: Chris G Page 20 of 77
Manhattan Project Beer Co’s Wise Monkey
#saturdaybeer ?
even tigers need belly rubs
Great Divide Brewing’s Barrel Aged Yeti
#saturdaybeer ?
I finished Your First Novel by Ann Rittenberg and Laura Whitcomb last night. The title seemed a little cringey and self-helpy at first, but the developer side of me has to admire a descriptive name. And I liked it a lot; it was well written and interesting. The first half, by author Rittenberg, is about getting it written, and the second half, by literary agent Whitcomb, is about getting it published.
Thinking I was closer to having the manuscript ready to send to a publisher, I nearly skipped the first half and started in the middle. But my completist tendencies, and the supposition (correct, it turned out) that the second half may refer back often to the first, prompted me to start at the beginning. Which was good, because that’s where I started realizing that my manuscript isn’t close to ready, at all.
Having an essentially completed work, and working on revisions, I’m glad to not need the advice about staying motivated and keeping momentum. One intense month, and many, many hours in the four years since, got me that far. But the parts about revisions, and polish, and “going from good to great”, those are where I’m at now.
By seeking professional feedback after finishing the first draft of a novel, you significantly reduce your novel’s chances of ever being published. Agents and editors should not be your first readers. They are looking for polished manuscripts, not rough drafts. By its nature, any novel that hasn’t been read by several people is a rough draft, no matter how often it’s been rewritten. [emphasis added]
That last sentence sums it up for me. By my own reckoning, this is version four of my novel. I’ve changed and improved it a lot since I finished my 50,186th word on Nov. 30, 2015. I’ve more than doubled the word count, for one thing. But nobody else has really read it. In fact I’m still working through “one last pass” (as I thought of it until recently) to fix any remaining typos, etc. before letting people I know read it. The point Whitcomb convincingly makes there is that this isn’t really version four. It’s barely version one.
Having other people read it, in part or in whole, is a scary but necessary phase I still need to go through. I can only imagine what it will be like to get feedback and constructive (I hope) criticism, but that’s obviously part of the process. In addition to putting this draft out to people I know after this current pass of typo-fixes is done, I’ve started looking into meetups and ways to connect with critique groups and partners. Not terrifying, no, not at all.
There are other approaches the book advises: readings, conferences, courses, and more. I plan to do a bunch of that, too, but this paradigm shift (pardon my language) about being “done” vs. having a whole bunch more re-reading and revising to do yet is one of the biggest things I’ve learned.
a new year, a new media log page (and a spot for the 2019 log)
Happy New Year! Among my resolutions (yet again) is to more frequently post more actual words here, and not just my weekly beer photos. So I got a new URL for this here blog. Farewell,
, subdomain of a site from a short-lived Java(!) game I wrote 17 years ago, and hello,
. I mean, what kind of author doesn’t even have their own vanity-named site, at least?
Because that’s what I plan to write about a good bit: becoming a published author. I have a manuscript, which is super close to being in good enough shape to actually let actual people read it. Rough still, for sure; like version, and in beta, at that. I’d had some baseless ideas that if I got it to about this point, then I could start trying to magically hit the publisher jackpot, who would work with me to fix and refine whatever it needs, based just on this rough first draft. Having now spent a little time learning how the process should go, I understand I’m much farther from that point than I’d thought.
Honestly, the realization made me consider giving up. But the more I’ve looked into it, and learned what the road ahead would take, the more I’m excited about giving it a go. So partly for accountability, and partly to share, I’ll be documenting all of that here. Eventually this novel’s getting published, one way (publishing house) or another (self published). Stay tuned.
Blue Mountain Brewery’s Dark Hollow
#saturdaybeer ?
Goose Island Brewing’s Bourbon County Stout Mon Chéri (2019)
“Pass on the jigsawing thanks”
“I wanna jigsaw too”
Center of the Universe Brewing’s El Duderino
#ChristmasEveEveBeer ?
Great Divide Brewing’s Mexican Chocolate Yeti
#saturdaybeer ?
Big Sky Brewing’s Oak Bourbon Barrel Aged Ivan the Terrible (2015)
#saturdaybeer ?
This insight on Social Media’s Shift Toward Misery explains a lot:
Modern social media, which largely displaced the individual feed model with the algorithmically-generated timeline, instead emphasizes passive content consumption, as the amount of times you can check on your friends in a given week is relatively small, while the time you can dedicate to content consumption is boundless.
Komes Baltic Porter
#saturdaybeer ?
I’ll be posting more soon, but this is a milestone bottle. It’s a style favored by the main character in the novel I’ve been working on. I bought it a little over a year ago, to drink when I’d “finished”. Well, guess what? ??
Lagunitas Brewing’s Willetized Coffee Stout (2019)
#saturdaybeer ?
found a place giving out Nutter Butters and Sprite
Goose Island’s Bourbon County Brand Midnight Orange Stout (2018)
#saturdaybeer ?
Deschutes Brewery’s Black Butte XXXI
#saturdaybeer ?
…and if you wanted random wikiHow articles, as mentioned in that story, you wouldn’t need a browser plugin. you could just set their randomizer wiki link as your homepage:
have never been a wikiHow user, but this story on the founder, the company, & their outlook defrosted my cynicism a little bit. “We’ve chosen… to spend all of our time in four big web properties. We didn’t have to do that, and we still don’t have to do that.”
Goose Island Bourbon County Stout (2018)
#saturdaybeer ?
In memory of John Michael Hammack, who helped me drink a bottle of this almost a year ago, and who we lost this week in a car crash. Rest in peace.
if I may: nansplaining (v) – explaining legal terms like “exculpatory” to the President, ideally at a televised press briefing
finished Fleabag season 2 tonight; what a masterpiece this show is. the sharp, quirky humor grabbed us from the start, but in the end it has everything. the drama, the characters, the originality, the continued humor, even the style (and how it evolves). just: wow. ?
Except for not doing about 80 of my favorites, what a great show
Sleater-Kinney @ Moody Theater ?
this AirBnb scam happened to us this summer. contacted a few days before, told the unit we’d reserved was “condemned”(!), somehow they’d missed notifying us, but “luckily” he had another property. turned out to be in a bad part of town & not walkable to downtown
Great Divide Brewing’s 25th Anniversary Big Yeti
#saturdaybeer ?
journal – reading update, in which I change my serial reading, and put down Wolf Hall for the last time ?
I praised the Serial Reader app last month, thinking at the time it would be a fun & significant boost to my reading time. But following Dorian Gray, I started and abandoned several others that just weren’t for me. As I dug deeper into the titles, I felt like I was grasping for something good, instead of picking from the (long) list of books on my existing “to-read” list. I tried a couple that were on my list, like Little Women, and Middlemarch, but didn’t enjoy either of them. So, although it’s clever, I decided Serial Reader isn’t for me, after all.
But the strict daily reading time still seemed good, so I’ve been trying simply sticking to that habit, with the help of the iOS app Streaks. It’s a simple daily reminder app that’s meant to keep you from “breaking the chain”, maintaining regular daily habits. I’ve tried it before, but eventually rebelled against what came to feel like tyrannical nagging. So far this time, however, for reminding me to stay on something I enjoy, it’s been going great. That’s 17 days in a row, since I’m counting. The books I’ve read this way have admittedly been quick and light: the first two omnibus editions of an anime my daughter recommended: Vinland Saga. I may continue graphic novels for this daily habit for a while; I have Watchmen sitting over there on the shelf.
On another front, I admit defeat, for the third and final time, at trying to get through Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall. I want to love this book, and the second (Bring Up the Bodies) which is also on my shelf, and the third which is due out next year, but it’s just not happening. I pride myself on being undaunted by tougher prose: The Odyssey, Don Quixote, some of the deeper Tolkien, including his Beowulf, but I find Mantel’s style a slog too far. The setting is too foreign, the characters too numerous, and the pronouns too ambiguous. I’m pretty bummed by this concession, but also looking forward to starting a book I’ll look forward to each night.
Zero Hux given
Pegasus City Brewery’s Nine Volt
#saturdaybeer ?