finally saw Avengers: Infinity War (at the dollar theater, because MoviePass sucks and didn’t support any of the several, not-brand-new movies we were up for), and: I didn’t love it. maybe if it had 18 more characters & 6 more climactic fight scenes
Author: Chris G Page 29 of 77
I read the news today, oh boy
“The freedoms we have were purchased not just by those in uniform – & they definitely were – but also by those who took their lives into their hands riding those Greyhound buses, the Freedom Riders, in the deep south, in the 1960s”
in which I try to process my city (maybe) gaining a team while another city (maybe) loses theirs, and the range of emotions therewith: Relocation Grudges Past & Future ⚽️
Ommegang’s Abbey Ale Dubbel
remember those stories a few years ago about how organic food wasn’t “more nutritious”? of course it’s not, it was never supposed to be. but it is less tainted by poison, which is a good and cool thing for food to be
from today’s Statesman:
We stand in solidarity today with the editorial boards of hundreds of U.S. newspapers defending the rigorous, truth-driven work by journalists & opposing Trump’s cynical efforts to dismiss that reporting as “fake news.”
interesting and level-headed analysis by Pete Reid on today’s historic council decision for #MLS2ATX:
“with that sort of settlement, Austin gets a team immediately, and the Crew would be #saved.”
that article by Stephen Miller’s uncle is great.
“Laws bereft of justice are the gateway to tyranny… the normalization of these policies is rapidly eroding the collective conscience of America.”
Founders KBS & Ruta Maya
really interesting consideration of software not as craft, art, engineering, etc. I was really struck by this:
“The output of everything we do is some side effect on the world and the next version of ourselves.”
Karbach’s Bourbon Barrel Hellfighter ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’m volunteering on #TheLastWeekend before midterms. I want a blue wave, you want a blue wave, THIS IS HOW IT HAPPENS. not watching tweets or frowning at your computer screen. connecting with real people, in real life. this is it, let’s go.
new (to me) coffee shop, Barrett’s Micro Roast Coffee
Nick Heer, on The Bullshit Web:
“You know how building wider roads doesn’t improve commute times, as it simply encourages people to drive more? It’s that, but with bytes and bandwidth instead of cars and lanes.”
bought a handful of @cardpool cards the other day, they all have $0 credit. multiple attempts to contact them have gone completely unanswered. an auto-reply email, a useless chatbot, and years-old FAQs; avoid this scammy ghost company at all costs
may be reading too much into these statements by Garber, but the very notion that both #SaveTheCrew and #MLS2ATX could happen is genuinely blowing my mind ⚽️
Mateo & Bernabé and Friends’ 29 Daniel
heard the first episode of this new podcast, Everything Is Alive, via 99% Invisible. “an unscripted interview show in which all the subjects are inanimate objects”, funny & clever.
…adding: if you don’t use your library or haven’t been lately, you should check it out! (pun intended.) quiet workspace w/wifi (& no purchase expected); downloadable ebooks, audiobooks, & movies; branch transfers; it’s more than old cookbooks! but also: old cookbooks!
just now seeing some of the (intentional, I’m sure) uproar about libraries. spent a day last week reading & working @ Austin’s big beautiful new one; it was awesome. libraries are fucking magical, you keep your filthy damned capitalist hands off ’em
Freetail’s Local Coffee Stout
⭐️__ __
heard this as a substitute episode in another podcast, it’s odd and really really excellent: “S.E.I.N.F.E.L.D.” on Imaginary Advice. link to Soundcloud (bleh) here or search for it with your podcast app (which should be Overcast btw). ?
finished reading: The Song of Achilles, by Madeline Miller. I really enjoyed this modern telling of The Iliad story, which I knew broadly but have never read. This is so well written, evocative, with superb characterization. highly recommended. ?
@manton you probably saw this but in case you didn’t, thought you might find the arguments interesting: The Case Against Retweets, from The Atlantic
Samuel Smith’s Organic Chocolate Stout
happy birthday (estimated) to this handsome fellow who is three years old (estimated) and who has three legs (estimated)
…though on the other hand, I typically drink a lot more #BEL beer, by style if not actual imports, than #ENG beer. so: back to just hoping for good games ?
I even like #CRO; also think it doesn’t really matter who #FRA get to beat on Sunday, but: still pretty bummed that #ENG aren’t going to be in the final. hope I’ll at least be able to celebrate a third-place win with my other English #saturdaybeer ?