just bought tickets to see First Aid Kit later this year – seen them once before, at ACL Music Fest. this performance, in fact: It’s a Shame, live in 2017: 🎵
Author: Chris G Page 6 of 77
nice interview (& hilarious pics) with Lucy Dacus, Julien Baker, and Phoebe Bridgers, aka Boygenius. their self-titled EP is a real favorite; can hardly wait for “the record”, out next Friday 🎵
Saturday’s beer: Lone Pint Brewery’s Gentleman’s Relish
best nitro brown ale I’ve ever had 🍺
as expected: DE. STROYED.
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is a masterpiece. (and I finished it just in time for today’s tournament) 📚
Saturday’s beer: Texas Ale Project’s The Caucasian
pretty good but more bitter than I expected 🍺
less than halfway through Zevin’s Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and something about its sweetness & poignancy has brought me to tears multiple times. it’s not at all cloying, just really resonant. (a little worried it will emotionally destroy me in the end) 📚
opening day of the Tournament of Books!
each weekday two works of fiction go head to head, with one of our judges deciding which moves forward in the brackets… with post-match color commentary from two “experts”
this has long been a great source of titles for my TBR list 📚
Eleanor Catton on similarities between our relationship to the internet & that of sociopaths to their victims:
Algorithms are flattering you by adapting themselves to what they think that you want; they can see what you desire & they’re very good at shapeshifting
The Besnard Lakes, Silver Shadows:
psychedelic 🎵
Weekend beer: Founders Brewing’s KBS Hazelnut
good! (though not quite as good as I’d hoped)🍺
“Always remember, mine Sadie: life is very long, unless it is not.” Sadie knew this to be a tautology, but it also happened to be true.
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow 📚
The Dead Weather, I Feel Love (live) 🎵
the changes to Dahl’s books aren’t the end of the world, but they really do stink. The Nation: Let Kids Read Roald Dahl’s Books the Way He Wrote Them 📚
adding a preachy smiley face to a book written by an angry genius
when you make a grocery run for a few things and it’s Spring Bock season 🍺
Twenty One Pilots – Goner 🎵
really enjoyed reading Teaching Black History to White People, by Leonard N. Moore. short & written in a conversational style, it’s an unblinking survey of Black/American history. bonus: the ebook is free this month from UT Press with code UTXBHM
when ur life is tuff
Goose Island Beer Co.’s Bourbon County Coffee Stout (2022) 🍺
celebrating hitting my goal of literary agents queried. your move, universe
‘Loud, dirty and simple’: Leicester’s punk collective for older women 🎵
Not caring what people think is “definitely part of the punk ethos”, said the 70-year-old drummer for Venus Attax. “Punk was anarchic and what’s more anarchic than older women letting rip?”
Natalie Merchant, Verdi Cries (live):
oh holidays must end, as you know
all is memory, taken home with me
the opera, the stolen tea
the sand drawings, the virgin sea
all, years ago
amazing comic today for Dinosaur Comics’ 20th anniversary (!) read the “haps” below it for a nice post from the creator
To celebrate 20 years I thought, okay, maybe I’ll change the pictures just this once.
the forecasts for freezing rain were… correct
live at Reading Festival: Run the Jewels, A Few Words for the Firing Squad (Radiation) 🎵
Saturday’s beer: Pinthouse Pizza’s Jaguar Shark: Enchantment Under the Sea 🍺
Saturday’s beer: Southern Star Brewing’s Bombshell Pils
Not my typical weekend style, but a tasty way to toast this brave Texas brewery 🍺
courtesy of the this article and some tipsy online shopping: The B-52’s, Mesopotamia
turn your watch back (about 100,000 years) for one of the best EPs ever 🎵
last summer I decided my novel manuscript was too long. trimming here and there turned into yet another ‘final’ edit, systematically reviewing every sentence. I finished today! From 101,295 words down to a svelte, page-turning 93,751 📝
happy Public Domain Day 2023! time for a Sherlock Holmes/Hercule Poirot/Hardy Boys crossover? I haven’t used Serial Reader for a while, but they already have a bunch of the newly-released works available 📚
Saturday’s beer: Goose Island Beer’s Bourbon County Brand Biscotti Stout 🍺
happy >hic< new year, y’all
Wye Oak, Holy Holy (Live on KEXP) 🎵
Christmas beer: Lakewood Brewing’s Salted Caramel Temptress 🍺