Category: microposts Page 18 of 73

another Tuesday, another “new” tunes recommendation – it’s a beautiful rainy morning here, how about the latest from Torres, Silver Tongue? “Last Forest” is a good track 🎵

surprise visitor on the in-laws’ patio, very calmly removed, carried by broom, and tossed into the lot across the street

happy Juneteenth! treat yourself to some new tunes 🎵 from Bandcamp and support racial justice, equality, & change:

today… and every Juneteenth hereafter, for any purchase you make on Bandcamp, we will be donating 100% of our share of sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Adelbert’s Brewery’s Flyin’ Monks
#saturdaybeer 🍺

saw this new (!) Tiny Desk Concert with the cast & musicians of Hadestown, so what the heck, let’s have that be New Tunes Tuesday. the performances in that video are good, but my real pick is the Anaïs Mitchell album their show is based on, also called Hadestown 🎵

see you downtown

NRA Accidentally Forgets To Rise Up Against Tyrannical Government

“An embarrassed National Rifle Association says it totally forgot to do the one thing it has been saying for years it is solely there to do.”

h/t @toddgrotenhuis

McSweeney’s: Upholding White Supremacy with Past Exonerative Tense

[This] tense transforms acts of police brutality against Black people into neutral events in which Black people have been accidentally harmed or killed as part of a vague incident where police were present-ish

my laptop crashed

Goose Island Brewing’s Bourbon County Coffee Stout (2017)
#memorialdaybeer 🇺🇸🍺

BookSpring, a wonderful charity I volunteer for, needs to raise money to send books by mail to needy kids who would have gotten them this Spring through schools, clinics, & daycare centers. so they’re holding a charity raffle. pitch in, and maybe win! 📚

that copy of The City We Became that I ordered the other day from Austin’s beloved BookPeople came today. flipping through, I discovered that it’s a signed copy! there’s something that will never happen when you shop from Amazon 📚

good Jenny Odell interview:

Q. …these days, we’re all almost on the hook to have something to say about everything as soon as it happens.

A. Yeah. I find there to be something a little bit profane about that, given what’s happening right now.

Tuesday, time for new tunes! you may have had this recommended by a hundred people lately, but they’re all right: Fiona Apple’s Fetch the Bolt Cutters. standout track: Shameika. 🎵

just ordered the first book for this summer’s Camp TOB: The City We Became by N. K. Jemisin. I haven’t done a group book club like this before; little worried that time pressure will make it less fun. but going to give it a shot & read some books I otherwise wouldn’t! 📚

Novel Progress, 5/17/20 – in which writing resumes and critiques continue

that FT Times article you should read:

Trump will continue to dangle the prospect of miracle cures. Every week since the start of the outbreak, he has said a vaccine is just around the corner… The previous fastest development was four years for mumps in the 1960s.

4th Tap Brewing’s Supernaut
#saturdaybeer ?

A video suggestion for New Tunes Tuesday this week: a live performance from the hallowed KEXP studio: Wussy, from July 2014. this way you can see the gang in action, including pedal steel guitarist John Erhardt (RIP). standout track: the first one, Teenage Wasteland ?

no commencement for our daughter’s college graduation (not that she was very excited to attend anyway). this pic from her Animal Crossing self-celebration, complete with correct UNT colors, will do ?

Goose Island Brewing’s Bourbon County Stout (2016)
#saturdaybeer ?
this bottle, given by chance to me by her uncle last year, has been waiting to be opened since our daughter started college. today she’s a graduate, and we couldn’t be more proud

McSweeney’s: Sure, the Velociraptors Are Still On the Loose, But That’s No Reason Not to Reopen Jurassic Park

And keeping things just below widespread public outrage levels is our gold standard for all of the decisions we make here at Jurassic Park.

New Tunes Tuesday: Signal by Automatic. a debut with as solid of post-punk jams as I’ve heard in a while. standout track: I Love You, Fine ?

New Tunes Tuesday: Space Cadet by beabadoobee. music as fun & cool as the artist’s name. standout track: Sun More Often ?

a really niche thing but I couldn’t figure it out for ages, until today! Smart Playlist rules are interpreted differently in the Mac and iOS Music apps. “genre is not classical”, for example, includes tracks with no genre specified on MacOS, but omits them on iOS!

Celis Brewery’s Violet Crown Quad
#saturdaybeer ?
(They were out of labels so the bottles were signed by the owner, Christine Celis.)

Adelbert’s Brewery’s Tripel Treat
#saturdaybeer ?

Austin Beerworks’ Blonde Joke Golden Stout
#saturdaybeer ?

4th Tap Brewing’s Bat Country Stout w/Wild Gift Cold Brew
⭐️__ __
(shown: pandemic-era crowler without the real label; this was a little more smoky/porter than I’d like)
#wednesdaybeer ?

Austin Beerworks‘ Gold Fist
#saturdaybeer ?

local breweries are still open for beer-to-go, so I decided to do my part by supporting five of them (Adelbert’s, Austin Beerworks, Celis, 4th Tap, & Circle). Prost! ?


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