my new custom @Starbucks mug, decorated by @delinqwentz
prickly pair
the museum that really bad kids have field trips to #roadpic
rocking: @metric_band
one of the YMCA tees w/daughter’s graphic design assignment (even though “it was only clip art, whatever”)
capitol view
the old, “hey let’s put a little garden in the middle of the intersection” trick
yin & yang, not
my marriage is now of legal drinking age. happy anniversary, sweetie
…and after; rear of house
also this weekend: worked on Habitat for Humanity house with J. Shown: before; front
a glimpse of Hope after the game #uswnt
under the giant flag #uswnt
final: US 4, Australia 0 #uswnt
Alamodome, interior (during warmups, and with closed sections in background) #uswnt
Alamodome, exterior #uswnt
Sunday morning with the red white & blue #uswnt
if a tree falls in the backyard, & there’s nobody to hear it, does it smash the fence? (yes)
Remember why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby? Man I love that thing. What a fantastic, awesome work.
And now that I found that link, and got drawn into reading the amazing beginning for the hundredth time, I hesitate to bring it up, to even mention it in comparison to the subject of this post. What I want to introduce to you pales so anemically next to w(P)GtR as to basically become invisible. But at the same time, the whole crazy thing is my inspiration.
I’ve been reading a lot of technical blogs and tutorials lately. I mean, as developers we read a lot of that stuff anyway, but even more than usual. And at some point the very sameness of it all, the tone, the style, even the depth, I don’t know, it started dragging me down. The thought occurred to me, and just will not leave me alone: there’s not enough weird out there. Not enough odd, interesting, _why-style stuff.
So, without further ado, here’s my first contribution: An Unicks Bestiary. It isn’t an introduction to the Unix command line, or a comprehensive reference of it. Its focus instead is tips & techniques that I’ve found over the course of *cough*twenty-plus*cough* years banging away at a Unix (Linux/BSD/Solaris/AIX/HP-UX/etc) prompt. Fellow command-line folks will probably see plenty of stuff you already know, but I hope there’s some amount that you don’t know or have forgotten. Or at least that you get a grin from this humble tribute to illuminated medieval bestiaries, from the nigh-unreadable font or the delightfully bizarre creature illustrations (all public domain as of about five centuries ago).
Hope you like it.
quite the draft selection
Neko Case #aclfestival
Savages #aclfestival
Atoms For Peace atomming for peace #aclfestival
the true lesson of ACL Festival #safetyrocks #yolo #sobesafe
sunset over the #aclfestival beer hall
The Joy Formidable killing it #aclfestival